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The population of the world is increasing every minute and every second, but the world is not growing any larger, so space is becoming exceedingly valuable and hence, space saving equipment is becoming increasingly necessary.

Institutions and organisations which have to store huge numbers of files, books and documents are thus facing acute space problems. The number of books to be stored in a library is continuously increasing since nothing here is to be disposed of, but new inclusions have to be accommodated within the available space.

Similar problems are coming up for government organisations where police files and judicial data needs to be stored.

Archive shelving is an option which is becoming remarkably popular with such large organisations. Specialised agencies have come up with a solution where optimum use of space is made to increase storage capacity.

Archive shelving is done by specially designing mobile shelves and mobile racks. Archive shelving has proved to be highly effective in maximising space usage.

Mobile shelving systems have been designed with more than 2,000 bays of shelves which would drastically increase the storage capacity to over 20,000 linear metres.

If you are in need of such miraculous space enhancement solutions then you could get a solution personalised to fulfil your needs irrespective of the size of your organisation.