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Archive storage is a way to keep items that are not frequently used, but are nevertheless important, in appropriate places to enable their use in future. It is used widely in schools, offices, homes, museums, libraries, industrial premises and art galleries. The items stored often include books, files, paintings and documents among others. They are also used by the police to store important artefacts.

Accessibility is of paramount importance to an archive storage system because we don’t use them everyday. Infrequent use means that proper organisation has to be maintained in order for us to find what we need when we need it.

The environment in which archived items are kept varies in importance according to the delicacy of the material. Appropriate temperature, light level and humidity are usually essential for scientific samples, paintings or old documents.

Shelving systems are chiefly used for archiving as they make it easy to store many items efficiently. Boxes are often used as a well-organised way of storing collections of documents, keeping them clean and dry and away from sunlight. Archive storage boxes come in standard sizes, which helps when placing them on shelves in a systematic manner. Label these boxes clearly to maintain organisation.

You can also consider employing some kind of security system for your archived material to keep them extra safe.