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It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were all engaging in a spot of spring cleaning. But as the months have passed, the filing has piled up and it is now a good time to engage in an autumn clean. An autumn clean is a great idea if you want to get organised and prepared for the coming months.

Here at Rackline storage we have some great ways to help you get started:


Chances are you have piles of paperwork and documents that are taking up plenty of space. It is a good idea to sort through all of these and decide what you need to keep, what you can do without and what can be recycled. Recycling paper is vital in order to keep our environment healthy. Here at Rackline we do what we can to protect the area we live in.

Stock take

It is easy to lose sight of what you have and what you need. A stock take is an essential part of running your business. Whether it is purely stationery that has piled up in the cupboard or stock that you send to your clients, a stock take should be part of your autumn clear out. If your storage solutions for your stock are looking a bit tired then why not check out our great storage ideas?

Get organised

Once you have cleared away all the rubbish it is a good idea to get organsied. If your office space is lacking suitable mobile shelving or filing cabinets then check out what we have to offer. Storage for your office is a great way of giving everything a place and making sure everything is neatly stored away. It will also help to boost productivity as everyone will know where everything is!

Junk free

You probably have places within your office that fast become a dumping ground. Take a look in the server room, that old cupboard by the stairs or the place you store your stationery. You will probably find used computers, old paperwork and items from your Christmas party three year ago. Now is the time to sort through it all and use effective storage solutions to save what you want to keep.

Overall, it is important to clear out your office. If you need help with storage solutions for your office then why not give us a call? Also, you can use our Facebook page and Twitter to ask us questions about what storage solutions are right for you and how best to get organised!