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When you work from home it can be difficult to keep your professional life and your personal life separate. This problem creeps into the way you organise your home. One of the biggest challenges for those working from home is finding the right space to set up your office. You are likely to have a lot of paperwork, files and folders for work that need to be sorted effectively and kept apart from the documents that relate to your personal life.

Having a small house can be a problem restricting the space to work with. The best way to make space in your home office is to invest in a good storage system. Once you have invested in a desk and a chair then the next step is to consider storage.

Look for shelving systems that will suit your requirements. Consider the types of things you are likely to need to store and browse online to see what is most appropriate. Filing systems are available, numerically and colour coded. You can also find archive storage systems for those items that you don’t need to hand, but that nevertheless require organizing.

Storage systems can add to the contemporary look for your home office whilst freeing up space to use for other things.