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Whether you have a home office just for occasional use or conduct your daily business there, it is essential to have a proper system to keep all your paper, documents and records in order. To save you valuable time and also help in proper organisation, it is important to have a filing cabinet.

Filing cabinets offer you storage and help in keeping your office neat and tidy. It is important to know where you will place the cabinet before purchasing it. Many offices have three different types of files – archive files, current files and active files.

Knowing the space needed for storing the files will also help you in finding the right file storage cabinet. Depending on the type work, you may choose the number of drawers. Based on the file sizes in your office, you can choose the required height of the drawers too.

Filing cabinets are available in horizontal or vertical shape. A horizontal one will be longer in length and occupies more space, while a vertical one can be squeezed into a tighter space. Also available, are filing cabinets which can be fitted under desks and tables – these are real space savers.

To prevent any risk to you or people working in your office, it is important to correctly place the filing cabinet. The drawers of the cabinet should not impede people when opened.

Office cabinets are available in a variety of colours and sizes.