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As we approach the financial year end for the public sector we know you will be feeling the pressure.  A frantic rush to make sure all paperwork is submitted, everything is in order and not a receipt or document is missed.

If you are also panicking that you have missed out on adding new storage solutions, and budget still allows, then fear not.  Just because the end of March will soon be upon us doesn’t mean you should miss out.

Here at Rackline we can still design, quote, manufacture and even install before the end of March.  So, if new storage solutions are on your list and you don’t want to wait till the next financial year, you don’t have to.

At Rackline we create bespoke storage solutions for your schools, libraries, museums, offices, and just about everything else.  If you feel as if your current museum storage, library shelving or school cupboards are looking a bit tatty, then we can design, quote, manufacture and install all before the end of the financial year.

If you want to find out more about how our storage solutions have transformed public spaces and private offices, then make sure you check out our case studies on our website.  Here you will find outlines of the briefs we have been given and how these have been fulfilled for our clients.  Hopefully you will find some inspiration.  And, if that isn’t enough, then check out our range of products.