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One of the most important things to be taken into consideration while setting up an office is the storage systems. It is important that it goes with the theme, space, budget and the storage requirements.

Shelves are box units covered from three sides and which usually has no doors, though does come in varieties with doors too. There may be many products such as files, folders, etc. that you would like to keep on those shelves. Accordingly there are different types of storage shelves. Storage systems can be made of wood or steel with locks to ensure security. These storage systems come in different types for storing different types of goods.

To choose the right storage system, you will have to draw up a list of all the things that will need storage space.

If you need to access the items very often, i.e. if you want to view some files which need to be taken out constantly, then an open shelf will be perfect as it saves time, as opposed to opening and closing doors constantly. If you have to keep your documents secure, a storage system with a door and lock is the right choice. It is also important to see if it matches the décor of the room. In this way, you can make it more attractive.

These are the some other options you can consider for storage systems shelves:

• Wide span shelving units
• Open shelving units
• Closed back shelving units

The choice of shelving system depends on your requirements. Buy the right type of storage system and keep your office organised.