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Shelving is useful not only for offices but also a highly effective tool to create attractive displays, which will attract your customers. But shelving should always be done with expert advice and proper planning. A lack of shelving can make a display look unorganised, and too much shelving can result in loss of space, so a balance needs to be struck.

Avoid giving your shelves a cluttered look as this will lead to less visibility for some of your shelves. Hence space out your shelves equally or in a pattern.

Utilise the shelves well. This means that your shelves should neither be over-crowded nor should they be under-utilised. Either one of these can prove to be a turn-off for a consumer as they reflect poor organisation of items.

Make sure that the shelves are maintained well as they can prove to be a great tool for selling your product. Also replace any damaged shelf at the earliest opportunity, as it can cause not only monetary but also physical damage.

If your inventory increases and decreases, perhaps seasonally, then consider the use of mobile shelving, as this means you will always have the optimum space and can easily re-arrange things as you wish.

Try and be as creative as possible with the arrangement of your shelves as this will greatly in attracting consumers.