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Shelves, cabinets and racks are all storage systems that we use in our daily lives for storing and holding our important and not so important items. Storage systems are used in every industry as everyone has something to store and stock. While the storage system we use at home may be simple and pertain to our household items, the storage systems used in offices, industries, museums, libraries and hospitals are of high sophistication.

These storage systems are concentrated towards providing maximum space and utility to their respective organisations. The storage system used in a regular office will vary from that used in a warehouse or a library. Storage systems used for industrial purposes need to be strong and durable hence power shelving is a common storage structure. Also the weight and the load of items that need to be stored at a warehouse are huge, therefore well organised shelves and racks which are vertical can save space and accommodate more items.

Similarly, rotary cabinets or pirouettes are best suited at offices where the look of the storage system also matters. Rotary cabinets give a 360 degree view of the storage system. Also these cabinets can be rotated and viewed by standing at the same place.

While shelves and racks solve the problem of storage at any organisation however, if you want to further save on space and costs, you could opt for mobile shelving and mobile racking for maximum benefits.