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As we come out of the recession clients are still cautious and even more are looking for reliability and quality, they are averse to taking risks. John Lewis for example who is known for these qualities already have addressed this need further recently by removing the time limit on returns completely for goods bought at their stores.

Rackline also has a brand and reputation in our market that is very strong, so emphasising these qualities is attractive in this particular market. This is a time where buyers can’t afford a mistake in a high value purchase that could create headaches for them later on. A reminder of some of these qualities:

1. Rackline have been providing high density solutions in the UK for 27 years.
2. All product manufactured in the UK with the corresponding continuity of supply.
3. Over 20,000 installations installed and operating in the UK
4. The leading public sector supplier of our product.
5. GPS (Government Procurement Service) approved
6. 5 years warranty

We hope these attributes will help you to decide on Rackline when you choose your high density steel storage.