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Is your office facing the problem of scarcity of storage space? If yes, then it becomes very important for you to have a storage system that provides you with maximum storing capacity as well as flexibility.

There are various types of mobile storage systems available in the market. One of the most versatile and effective storage systems is the rotary file cabinet system.

Rotary file cabinets were introduced as the drawer file system was not able to meet the requirements of file storage in the office.

Rotary cabinets are mostly used in industrial sector and in retail stores as they meet their requirements perfectly.  Rotary file cabinets are portable, so you can easily store the goods. With rotary file cabinet systems, you will not face any problems while searching files. You can save your valuable time.

Rotary file cabinets are very affordable and require very less maintenance. They can be rotated and cleaned easily.  You can save nearly 50 % of your office space by installing rotary file cabinets in the office. For organizations that have to store a lot of files which have to be accessed very frequently, rotary file cabinet systems are the best option.