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School’s and universities are finally out for summer.  And the sunshine has finally decided to show its face.  But sadly for many of us that still means getting up in the morning and heading out to work.

As a school or university it may also mean that this is the time for you to re-assess your current facilities.  Building work and changes may be going on whilst your students are away for the summer.

If this is not something you have thought of yet then now is the time to do so.  At Rackline we have plenty of experience in working with universities to ensure that their storage solutions fit the requirements of employees and students alike.

Over the past few years we have worked on projects for universities such as the University of Glasgow in order to make accessing research easy.  This involved 500 years of books and journals being archived and ordered in the most state of the art storage solutions.

We have also completed storage solution work on three major Universities, Leeds, Reading and Aberdeen.  The work we conducted for the University of Leeds saw 18,000 linear metres of storage which is used to store books across two floors of the Michael Marks Building, which contains the Marks & Spencer archive.

The summer holiday’s are a great time for us to come in, assess what needs to be done and to have it all up and running by the time the new academic year starts. Why not contact us today to find out how we can help you?