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It can be challenging to buy furniture for media collections. You need to first examine the size of your current selection before purchasing a media storage cabinet. You need to determine the different types of media you own and how much room you will need to place your DVDs and CDs in a media storage cabinet. While purchasing a media storage cabinet, make sure that it can be accessed easily. There are different types of media storage cabinets available. The popular ones are:

•    Freestanding wall units
•    Wall mounted cabinets

Freestanding wall units are specifically designed to hold a variety of media. However, while purchasing a freestanding wall unit, make sure that you keep in mind the number of CDs and DVDs you own. Some units can hold over 1000 CDs. A smaller unit will be ideal for your needs if you do not have a large collection. Therefore, you can easily organise and access your collection if you use multimedia wall units.

Wall mounted cabinets hold a large number of CDs and DVDs taking less space in your office or home. You can easily identify and reach the stored items if you select an open wall unit. It will also allow you to easily access your collection. You can also add more shelves to wall mounted cabinets if you have a growing collection.

Media storage cabinets help you to access your media effectively. They prove to be cost effective and affordable.