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You must have noticed shelves and filing cabinets in every organisation. Be it your school, office, doctor’s office, library, DVD rental shop etc. All of them use some sort of shelving or filing cabinets.

Archive shelving
Without a proper filing system or shelving people would have to go through countless records to find information. Archive shelving ensures that everything is in order, so that when the time comes, it will be very easy to go through piles of documents and files to find the right one. Especially when it comes to illnesses, it is necessary for doctors and hospitals to have a file about that person. This helps in times of emergencies and when your doctor may be away. Other doctors can see the files and come to know your medical history before treating you. Thus, you can avoid the risk of receiving medication that you may be allergic to.

Metal shelving
It is good to go for metal shelving that is stronger and sturdier than plastic. These metal shelving cabinets are also available in different colours that will make your job of searching for files much easier. Metal shelving is much cheaper and better than any other shelving system.