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Custom designed cabinets are a bit expensive and are made to fit, but they come with a warranty for a fixed period of time which is very important. Proper utilisation of the area or space available is the biggest advantage offered by custom cabinets that also allow better control over the storage. Custom cabinets offer the advantage of properly utilising the area according to its size, shape and space.

On the other hand, wide filing cabinets that have large space for big files and folders, can store up to hundreds and thousands of files at a time. As the records are compartmentalised and arranged in a much better organised manner, each and every file in a filing cabinet can easily be retrieved whenever needed. The files which are of no immediate use or the backdated ones can be kept separately in a proper manner in a filing cabinet.

Rotary File Cabinets are a good option to have and are a convenient and safe storage solution in your home or office, and they save precious space. They come in the size and shape you want according to your requirements. If you wish to secure your important documents, you can have a locking facility added in your Rotary File Cabinets.