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Our daily lives are so full of information. From watching the news and the weather to documentaries and factual programmes.  When the weather man reports that it is the wettest winter on record, how does he know? When the newspapers reference a murder trial from the 70’s how do they find this information out?  When the commentators of the Olympic Games last year quoted records being broken, where were these records?

The answer is, archives.  Archives are the hidden key and are very much taken for granted.  Protecting data, information and records that are called upon time and time again is essential for our nation.  Consider all of the galleries, museums, libraries and record offices out there.  These are buildings that contain some of the most important information and archives.  Items that need to be kept and preserved, well, forever really.

But it can be an easy point to miss.  If you work in a university library, a museum or even a record office, it can often be the case that you get caught up in your daily work. When you next go in, take a moment and consider the wonderful history that you are surrounded in.  History that needs to be preserved for generations to come.

Whether your work place houses artifacts, birth and death certificates or legal records, they are all items that need to be treasured.  We benefit from these archives, sometimes without even knowing. And, if you are in the business of archives or ‘archiving’ then you have a duty to make sure that these are protected.

The Universal Declaration on Archives states that, “Archives are a unique and irreplaceable heritage passed from one generation to another… Open access to archives enriches our knowledge of human society, promotes democracy, protects citizens’ rights and enhances the quality of life.”

Take a look around, if you fear that these archives could do with a little TLC then it is your duty to make sure they receive it.  These archives need to be here for generations to come.  And, at Rackline, we make it part of our job to ensure that they are kept and stored in the best way possible.